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Neck Lift

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Tired of turkey neck? Look no further than the transformative wonders of a neck lift in NYC. This cosmetic procedure addresses sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle laxity in the neck, revealing a more defined and youthful contour. Dr. Frank Lalezar performs a personalized neck lift to tighten your skin and elevate your facial contours.

The Impact Of Skin Laxity On The Neck & Jawline

As we age, the effects of gravity, genetics, and the natural loss of collagen and elastin fibers can take a toll on our neck and jawline. Skin laxity, or the loosening and sagging of skin, becomes increasingly noticeable, resulting in jowls, a double chin, or horizontal neck bands. These changes can affect our self-confidence and make us look older than we feel. A neck lift for NYC can restore a more youthful and harmonious contour to the neck and jawline.

What Is Neck Lift?

A neck lift is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline by correcting sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle laxity. During the procedure, incisions are strategically made to access the underlying tissues and muscles. The surgeon tightens and repositions the muscles, removes excess fat, and trims away surplus skin. The result is a smoother, firmer neck with improved definition and a more youthful overall appearance.

Doctor Lalezar during exam for neck lift in NYC

The Goals Of Neck Lift:

  • Tightening loose and sagging skin in the neck area
  • Removing excess fat deposits under the chin and along the jawline
  • Enhancing the definition of the jawline and neck contour
  • Correcting the appearance of jowls and a double chin
  • Smoothing out horizontal neck bands or wrinkles
  • Restoring a more youthful and balanced aesthetic to the face and neck
Patient after neck lift in NYC

Combine Neck Lift With Neck Liposuction

For individuals with excess submental fullness or a double chin, combining neck liposuction with a neck lift in NYC can yield exceptional results. Neck liposuction is performed through small incisions under the chin or behind the ears to remove stubborn fat deposits. This minimally invasive technique can further enhance the outcome of a neck lift by refining the neck and jawline contours, resulting in a more sculpted and defined appearance.

Dr. Lalezar’s Surgical Technique

During your neck lift in NYC with Dr. Lalezar, incisions may be made under your chin and/or behind or in front of your ears. If necessary, liposuction will be performed to remove excess fat. The next step involves tightening the neck muscles (platysma) and repositioning the overlying skin to create a defined and rejuvenated look. Sutures are carefully placed deep within your neck to accentuate the contours of your neck and jawline, resulting in a beautifully sculpted outcome.

Your Recovery Journey

After your neck lift, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. You may experience temporary swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. These effects should subside within a few weeks. Dr. Lalezar will provide detailed post-operative instructions to aid your recovery. The initial recovery period takes 1-2 weeks, during which you may need to limit physical activity and avoid strenuous exercise.


Who is a good candidate for a neck lift?

Good candidates for a neck lift in NYC are individuals with sagging skin, muscle laxity, excess fat, or the appearance of a double chin, seeking to improve their neck and jawline contour.

What is the recovery time for a neck lift?

The recovery time for a neck lift varies, but most patients can expect an initial recovery period of 1-2 weeks. It is important to follow post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon.

What are the potential risks and complications of a neck lift?

Potential risks and complications of a neck lift may include infection, bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, scarring, nerve injury, asymmetry, skin irregularities, and unsatisfactory aesthetic results. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon.

Where will the incisions be made?

The incisions for a neck lift are typically made under the chin and/or behind or in front of the ears. The exact placement of the incisions will depend on your specific needs and goals. However, Dr. Lalezar ensures the incisions are placed in inconspicuous locations.

How long do the neck lift results last?

The results of a neck lift in NYC are long-lasting, but it is important to remember that the natural aging process will continue. Generally, the results can last for several years.

How much does a neck lift cost?

The cost of a neck lift can vary depending on factors like the specific details of the procedure, whether you also need liposuction, and the type of anesthesia used. Please schedule your consultation with Dr. Lalezar for a detailed assessment and quote based on your needs.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Frank Lalezar, a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic surgeries of the face and neck, invites you to schedule a consultation. With his expertise, he will thoroughly assess your concerns, goals, and medical history to develop a personalized surgical plan. Dr. Lalezar is dedicated to supporting you throughout your neck lift journey, from the initial consultation to the final stages of recovery. Schedule an appointment to explore your options for a neck lift in NYC.

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17th floor, Suite 1A,
New York, NY 10022
CONTACT US 646.887.5533