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Primary Rhinoplasty

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Primary rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the shape and size of the nose. This is one of the most common facial plastic surgeries and can be performed for functional and cosmetic reasons. Dr. Frank Lalezar performs a personalized rhinoplasty to elevate your nasal contours and restore optimal proportions.

Elevate Your Nasal Contours

Rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose by altering the bone and cartilage structures. Also known as a nose job, a rhinoplasty can correct many issues, including a crooked nose, a bulbous tip, or a hump on the bridge. In addition to improving the nose’s appearance, rhinoplasty can also improve breathing problems caused by structural abnormalities. This is one of the most common and complex facial plastic surgeries.

The Goals of Rhinoplasty:

  • Changing the size of the nose: Some people may want to make their nose larger or smaller to better balance their facial features.
  • Altering the shape of the nose: Rhinoplasty can change the shape of the nose, such as by straightening a crooked nose or smoothing out a bump on the bridge.
  • Improving breathing problems: Rhinoplasty can correct structural abnormalities in the nose that cause breathing problems, such as a deviated septum.
  • Correcting a deviated septum: A deviated septum is a condition in which the thin wall between the nostrils is crooked, causing difficulty breathing. Rhinoplasty can fix this problem.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty
Cosmetic rhinoplasty is the most common type of nose surgery performed purely for aesthetic purposes. It can improve the appearance of the nose by altering its shape, size, or angle. You may undergo cosmetic rhinoplasty to correct a nose that is too large or too small or to change the shape of the tip or bridge of the nose. Other common goals of cosmetic rhinoplasty include correcting a crooked nose or a disproportionate nose.

Functional Rhinoplasty
Functional rhinoplasty is performed to improve the function of the nose rather than its appearance. It is often performed to correct breathing problems caused by structural abnormalities in the nose, such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps. Functional rhinoplasty can minimize the risk of repeated sinus infections and other functional concerns. It can also improve the appearance of the nose, but the primary goal is to improve nasal function.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Ethnic rhinoplasty is designed to preserve or enhance the unique characteristics of an individual’s ethnic background while improving the overall appearance of the nose. This technique considers the specific features and proportions typical of a particular ethnic group, such as the width and shape of the nostrils or the angle of the nose. You can opt for an ethnic rhinoplasty to improve your nasal contours while preserving the markers of your ethnic heritage.

Revision Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty, is a type of nose surgery performed to correct problems after a previous nose surgery. You may need revision surgery if the results of your previous surgery are not satisfactory or if your experience complications. Revision rhinoplasty is a more complex procedure than primary rhinoplasty and requires a high level of skill and experience since the surgeon must counter the results of the primary surgery.

Septoplasty is performed to correct a deviated septum, a thin wall of cartilage and bone that separates the nostrils and divides the nasal cavity. A deviated septum occurs when the septum is bent or crooked, which can cause difficulty breathing. Septoplasty involves straightening the septum and repositioning it to improve breathing and alleviate other symptoms. Septoplasty is generally performed as a closed surgery, i.e., the incisions are inside the nostrils.

Dr. Lalezar’s Surgical Technique

Dr. Frank Lalezar is a renowned plastic surgeon known for his exceptional results in rhinoplasty. His approach involves a thorough consultation to ensure that each patient’s needs and desires are met. Before any surgery, Dr. Lalezar takes the time to consult with his patients to understand their goals and concerns. He carefully examines your face and nose to determine the best surgical plan, including whether you need closed or open rhinoplasty.

Closed Rhinoplasty

Closed rhinoplasty reshapes the nose via small incisions inside the nostrils, so there’s no visible scarring. After administering local anesthesia, the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nostrils, through which he can access the underlying structures of the nose. Using specialized tools, he carefully reshapes the cartilage and bone to achieve the desired results. Closed rhinoplasty is only suitable for minimal changes in the nose shape.

Open Rhinoplasty

Open rhinoplasty is also performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision across the columella, the strip of skin separating the nostrils, following which he lifts the skin and accesses the underlying structures of the nose. Using specialized tools, he reshapes the cartilage and bone. Open rhinoplasty can be performed to reduce the size of the nose, alter the shape of the tip or bridge, or correct asymmetries and deformities.

Your Recovery Journey

The recovery process after rhinoplasty varies from person to person, but most people can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort after the procedure. These symptoms typically resolve within the first few weeks. You may also have to wear a nose splint for a few days to stabilize your nose and minimize bleeding. Your surgeon will offer clear aftercare instructions, such as avoiding blowing the nose and keeping your head elevated.

In most cases, you can return to work within a week after the procedure, but you must take it easy for the first few days. You must also avoid strenuous activities and exposure to the sun for several weeks after the procedure. Most of the bruising will dissipate within 2 weeks, but it will take several months to appreciate the final results of your rhinoplasty.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Frank Lalezar is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic surgeries of the face. He is an expert in rhinoplasty procedures, especially since he takes the time to curate personalized surgical plans that address your unique anatomical concerns and goals. He also ensures you feel safe and supported throughout the procedure. Please schedule an appointment to explore your rhinoplasty options.

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