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Male Abdominal Etching

Home | Men | Abdominal Etching/6-Pack

Sometimes, despite regular workouts and a balanced diet, the abdominal muscles remain stubbornly concealed underneath a layer of excess fat. Dr. Frank Lalezar performs a highly personalized liposculpture technique, known as male abdominal etching in NYC, to reveal your underlying abdominal muscles and help you achieve a “6-pack.”

What Is Male Abdominal Etching?

Abdominal etching, also known as 6-pack surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the appearance of the abdominal muscles by creating more defined and prominent lines between the muscles. Abdominal etching involves using liposuction to remove excess fat from the abdominal area, followed by precise etching of the muscles to create more defined lines. It is performed on individuals who are in good physical shape but unable to achieve the desired definition in their abdominal muscles despite diet and exercise.

The Goals of Abdominal Etching:

  • Reducing excess fat deposits from the abdomen
  • Improving overall contours of the abdomen
  • Revealing the underlying abdominal muscles
  • Creating an athletic and toned appearance
  • Helping you achieve the visual results of workouts
man after male abdominal etching in NYC

Your Recovery Journey

Immediately after the procedure, you will be taken to a recovery room for monitoring. You will feel discomfort and swelling in the treated area, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication. You must wear a compression garment to minimize swelling, take prescribed medications as directed, and avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks to ensure optimal recovery after your male abdominal etching in NYC. You can return to work and other normal activities within a week, but it will take several weeks or months for the final results to become evident.

man after male abdominal etching in NYC

Highlight Your Abdominal Muscles

The main goal of abdominal etching is to create a more aesthetically pleasing and defined abdominal muscle appearance, often referred to as a “6-pack” or “8-pack.” This is achieved by removing excess fat and sculpting the muscles to create more defined lines and contours. This procedure merely highlights the abdominal muscles that would otherwise remain invisible due to excess fat. This procedure uses liposuction to remove excess fat between the muscles, thus creating a more toned and athletic appearance.

Dr. Lalezar’s Surgical Technique

Dr. Lalezar offers a highly personalized 3-dimensional liposculpture technique to reveal your abdominal definition. During your consultation, he carefully examines your abdomen, discusses your goals and concerns, reviews your medical history, and curates a treatment plan. He marks the separation of the abdominal muscles on your flexed abdomen, following which he describes what you can expect from your abdominal etching procedure. He performed abdominal etching at an accredited surgical facility under local anesthesia with intravenous sedation.

During male abdominal etching in NYC, Dr. Lalezar will use a two-fold technique to re-contour your abdomen. He inserts a hollow tube called a cannula into your abdomen via a small incision, following which a vacuum pressure technique is used to remove the fat pad and reveal the underlying muscles. Next, he removes targeted fat cells to outline the rectus muscles and the linea alba, the line running down the abdomen. This technique makes your 6-pack pop.

Why Choose Dr. Lalezar For Your Male Abdominal Etching?

Dr. Frank Lalezar is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in aesthetic surgery of the body. He has designed the personalized abdominal etching procedure to help you enhance the visibility of your 6-pack abs. Instead of offering a cookie-cutter treatment, he tailors the surgical plan according to your unique anatomical concerns and goals, ensuring safe and naturalized results. Please schedule an appointment to explore your options for male abdominal etching in NYC today.

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17th floor, Suite 1A,
New York, NY 10022
CONTACT US 646.887.5533